Bluffton SC Landscape Designer

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Welcome back. Here is a landscape design we did in Bluffton SC. We wanted to show you the beginning stages of the project. From flagstone for the driveway to native stone boulders for the walls to accent the duck pond, we had fun with this landscape design in Bluffton. It had a lot of features.

Retaining walls, lawn design, stone paving, grading, plantings, Japanese maples, native stone, vegetable garden, solar panels to sell energy back, center island, granite block for outline driveway, underground water system etc…

This was the phase one of the Bluffton SC landscape Design

It took about 20-30 days to get most of the landscaping and irrigation compete. Check out the beauty of the huge boulder retaining walls once the project was done. Again if you feel that you need a quote from us please call us now because we work on a first come first serve basis, we also do work all around Georgia and South Carolina so make sure you get to us today.

Check out part 2 of the Bluffton SC landscaping project.

Call Will today to get your free quote on your new landscape design for your Bluffton SC home, office or garden. We look forward to serving you. Get together your ideas and and we will help to organize and fit them to your home.